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Propel Performing Arts & Media Co., Ltd.


    中廣在線(北京)文化傳媒有限公司以 (yǐ)“驅動文明,傳播感動”為核飄雪資源心 (xīn)價值理念,緻力于劇院運營與品牌節目提供。自 (zì)1990年代初期,在沒 (méi)有任何先例可 (kě)循的情況下以 (yǐ)市中文版成全場化的方式成 (chéng)功運營了北京音樂廳、北京中 (zhōng)TV視頻山公園音樂堂、南京文化藝術中 (zhōng)心 (xīn)大高清姑娘劇院、天津音樂廳、徐州音樂廳、天津大劇院和哈爾濱大劇院,成 (chén直播飄雪g)為改革開 (kāi)放後 (hòu)中 (zhōng)國 國語姐姐(guó)劇院運營管理領域的探索者及創始人。

驅動文化傳媒有限公司在北京首創“打開 (kāi)音樂之門”系列普及音樂在線GO會和暑期音樂節,二十年多年來,使數十萬青少年和家庭進 (jìn)入姐姐資源高雅藝術殿堂;委約創作《中 (zhōng)國 (guó)唐宋名篇姐姐在線音樂朗誦會》,推出“聆聽經 (jīng)典”、“宋人弦歌”、“讀者的摯愛丁香花高清”系列音樂朗誦會”,領朗誦藝術火熱之先;先後 (hòu)創辦“林兆華戲劇邀請展”“丁香花免費天津曹禺國 (guó)際戲劇節”“天津國 (guó)際歌劇舞劇節”“哈爾濱大劇院姐姐姐姐藝術節”等;曆史性引進 (jìn)衆多國 (guó)際一線劇院和一流作品,如俄羅斯馬林影院姐姐斯基劇院和斯坦尼劇院兩 (liǎng)個版本的史詩歌劇《戰争與和平》,聖彼在線高清得 (de)堡小 (xiǎo)劇院的八小 (xiǎo)時話劇《兄TVMV弟姐妹》,聖彼得 (de)堡馬斯特卡雅劇院的八小 (xiǎo)時史詩話劇《靜靜的頓河》美麗MV,法國 (guó)巴黎北方劇院的《情人的衣服》、《驚奇的山谷》,德國 (guó)邵賓納劇院的《朱莉成全直播小 (xiǎo)姐》、《理查三世》、《俄狄浦斯》,波蘭華沙新劇團的《阿波隆尼亞》,法國 好姑娘美麗(guó)阿維尼翁戲劇節十二小 (xiǎo)時話劇《2666》、《美杜莎之筏》;丁香花大地與彼得 (de)·布魯克、克裡斯蒂安·陸帕、列夫·朵金、羅密歐·卡斯特魯奇、托馬斯·奧斯特在線丁香花瑪雅、格日什托夫·瓦裡科夫斯基、朱利安·葛瑟蘭、托馬斯·喬利等衆GO資源多當今世界頂級藝術大師進 (jìn)行了卓有成 (chéng)效的合作。其引進 (jìn)的外大地直播國 (guó)戲劇作品使得 (de)中 (zhōng)國 (guó)好姑娘中文版戲劇界出現了第三次西潮東漸,令中 (zhōng)國 (guó)觀衆打開 (中文版視頻kāi)眼界,一睹世界戲劇的最高水準。

驅動文化傳媒近年更緻力于舞台藝術的内容打造,邀請林兆華導演創作了話劇《海澱之北》及2015年國 飄雪國語(guó)家藝術基金資助項目歌劇《永樂》;與上海戲劇學院合作成全國語邀請格熱戈日·亞熱那導演話劇《鑄劍》,并獲得 (de)2016年北京文化藝術基國語影院金支持;邀請克裡斯蒂安·陸帕導演話劇《酗酒者莫非》,作為國 (guó)家藝術基金2016年資助項目,該劇應邀參加上海國 (guó)際藝術節、廣州藝術節、北京老舍戲劇節,并一舉獲得 (de)第七屆國 直播免費(guó)際戲劇“學院獎”三項大獎以 (yǐ)及第二屆華語戲直播姑娘劇盛典“最佳男主角”獎。

2021年,為紀念魯迅先生誕辰一百四十周年暨哈爾濱大劇院開 (kāi)幕五周在線影院年,驅動文化傳媒特别呈現中 (zhōng)國 (guó)故事 (shì姑娘TV) (shì)三部曲之二——話劇《狂人日記》。該劇邀請克裡斯蒂安·陸帕擔任編劇高清TV及導演。這部改編自 (zì)魯迅先生同名小 (xiǎo)說 (shuō)的話劇,受邀在線免費參加首屆阿那亞戲劇節并作為開 (kāi)幕大戲圓滿完成 (chéng)世界首演。目前該劇已姐姐美麗 (yǐ)在哈爾濱、上海、蘇州、長 (cháng)沙等多地巡演,受到業界諸多學者的丁香花免費廣泛好 (hǎo)評。

Propel Performing Arts & Media co., Ltd姐姐影院., taking “Propel, Enlightenment through Cul中文版飄雪ture” as the core value concept, is dedica中文版飄雪ted to providing theatre management and hi視頻高清gh-quality performances. Since the ear動漫噼裡啪啦ly 1990s, Propel Performing Arts & Media姑娘TV has successfully operated Beijing Concert Ha影院影院ll, Forbidden City Concert Hall, Nanjing Cultural姑娘直播 andArtCenter, Tianjin Concert Hall, Xuzhou在線姑娘 Concert Hall, Tianjin Grand Th直播高清版eatre and Harbin Grand Theatre.

Propel Performing Arts & Media fo視頻GOunded the Gateway to Music series inBeijing.TV丁香花 For more than two decades, our compa藝術中文版ny has brought hundreds of thousan高清大地ds of young people and families into th在線資源e halls of high art and popularized concert中文版噼裡啪啦s and summer festivals all ove飄雪直播rChina. The company has produced “Dramatizatio資源中文版n From Tang/Song Dynasty”, “Listening to Classics of TVGOLiterature”, “Concert on Poems f高清影院rom the Song Dynasty”, and “T影院在線he Reader's Favors-Recitation of Famous Poetr國語成全y and Prosee”. Propel Performing Arts & Media has 免費高清版 successively established Lin 大地TVZhaohua Theatre Arts Festival, Tianjin 資源TVCao Yu International Theatre F在線成全estival, Tianjin International Opera and 視頻視頻Dance Theatre Festival, Harbin Grand T中文版影院heatre Arts Festival, etc. Our company intr動漫GOoduced many international theatres and藝術成全 productions, including the two v視頻丁香花ersions of the epic opera “War噼裡啪啦藝術 and Peace” by Mariinsky Theatre and MV藝術Moscow State Stanislavsky and Nem藝術飄雪irovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre; “Brot視頻成全hers and Sisters”, an eight-hour 美麗視頻 play by The Maly Drama Theatre - Theatr中文版噼裡啪啦e of Europe; St. Petersburg Masterskaya The資源TVater’s historical drama “And Quiet Flows the Do高清噼裡啪啦n”; “The Suit” and “The Valley of中文版丁香花 Astonishment” by Theatre des 免費動漫Bouffes du Nord; “Miss Julie”,姑娘藝術 “Richard III”, “Oedipus the Tyrant” by Sc成全MVhaubühne Berlin; “(A)pollonia”姐姐影院 by Nowy Teatr, Warszawa; as wTV姑娘ell as “2666” and “The Raft of the噼裡啪啦免費 Medusa” from Festival d'Avignon大地國語, etc. Propel Performing Arts & Media had 國語GOcollaborations with many of the world's大地丁香花 top artists, including Peter Brook直播動漫, Krystian Lupa, Lev Dodin, Romeo Ca高清藝術stellucci, Thomas Ostermeier, Krzysztof War視頻直播likowski, Julien Gosselin and Th資源TVomas Jolly. By inviting the fin大地成全est foreign theater productions intoChina大地影院, Propel Performing Arts & Medi丁香花在線a has broadened the horizons of ChineseMV直播 audiences and introduced to them the highest免費美麗 standards of contemporary theater.

Furthermore, Propel Performing Ar在線動漫ts & Media has developed original CTV丁香花hinese theatre productions. Our works視頻美麗 include “In the North of Haidian” and “YoMV直播ng Le” by Lin Zhaohua,Projects funded by the National Art Fund iGOTVn 2015 “Two Swords” by Grzegorz影院中文版 Jarzyna (Funded by Beijing Culture and高清版視頻 Art Fund in 2016), and “Mo Fei” (a funded pro大地美麗ject of the National Art Fund in 2016) by影院影院 Krystian Lupa. Propel Perform大地GOing Arts & Media has also 高清高清版participated in the theater fe飄雪高清版stivals such as China Shanghai 視頻姐姐International Arts Festival, Guangzhou Art Fes國語高清tival and LAOSHE International The飄雪噼裡啪啦atre Festival. Our production, “Mo Fei”, 姑娘在線has won numerous accolades (“B美麗高清est Theatre”, “Best Actor”, and “Best Supportin丁香花藝術g Actress” at the 7th International 資源在線Theatre Academy Awards in 2017 and "Best AMV中文版ctor” at the 2nd Chinese Theatr影院姐姐e Awards in 2018).

In 2021, to commemorate the 140t資源MVh anniversary of Lu Xun's birth and 姐姐丁香花the 5th anniversary of the opening of the HarbinTV影院 Grand Theater, Propel Performing Arts &am大地免費p; Media Co., Ltd. has particularly presen資源國語ted the second selection from 姐姐高清版the Chinese Story Trilogy---the drama A Madman's Diary. This play has invited Krystian Lupa as the pl在線高清版aywright and director. Besides, 姐姐高清版it adapts from the novel with the s大地MVame name written by Lu Xun, and the wor姐姐成全ld premiere of this play was invited 美麗姑娘to the first Aranya Theater Festival 飄雪資源as the opening performance, which has成全噼裡啪啦 gained extraordinary success. So far, the pl藝術GOay A Madman's Diary has toured in Harbin, Shan中文版噼裡啪啦ghai, Suzhou, Changsha, and many other plac好姑娘MVes in China, which many academics of the 好姑娘影院art field have highly valued.


A705 Century Square, No.99 Wan大地MVgfujing Avenue,  Beijing 10000TV高清版6,China

Tel   +86 10 65259835噼裡啪啦高清

Fax  +86 10 65259101